Thursday, July 28, 2011

Keep track of your accomplishments to fuel future success

How often do you question your efforts to make any progress towards personal or professional goals you have set?  

Many professionals I have coached initially find themselves bogged down in self-doubt and negative focus.  When asked to review their progress they will list a litany of all of the things they have not done and note how discouraged they feel. 

When asked to identify what they have accomplished over the past week they struggle to recall any positive actions.

Here is a simple action that can be invaluable when you fall into this trap:

Take an inventory of your accomplishments each day.  Set aside a few moments each day to identify successes and positive steps you have taken that you find noteworthy and write them down, then review your inventory each week.

It is easy to get distracted by all of the things that go wrong in your day and week. You never want to lose sight of your accomplishments and significant efforts. Your ability to be mindful of what you have achieved will provide impetus for continued effort and ultimate success. 

Need help identifying your current and future goals? Contact Jim to learn more about how to begin living your "no-limits" life.

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