Thursday, December 27, 2012

Is This The Year You Finally Keep Your New Years Resolution?

Is This the Year You Keep Your New Years Resolution?

I was strolling through a festive mall when I suddenly found myself unable to shake the mantra of Larry the Cable Guy. You know, the “Get Er Done” blue collar comedian.
While the slogan amused me I also realized the power a simple statement can carry in our every day lives. Just “get er done”- simple and to the point.

How often do we struggle to get everything done that we plan or schedule under normal circumstances? Add to this the hectic and often frantic pace that is laid out before us during the holiday season and the more common chant is, “Enough already, I’m done”.

We all move into the New Year with our best intended resolutions for change and growth. Most of us make declarations of change that we believe will improve our health, emotional well-being, financial security, self-esteem and relationships. We are sincere and as I said, well intended. But most of us will certainly not “get er done”. We will set a start date for achieving this improved self and maybe, just maybe, get a portion of “er done”, but it is inevitable that most of us will cease and desist long before we have the goal in sight. 
Too many of us will get distracted, lose interest, feel overwhelmed by having one more thing to do, run out of time or decide that it was really never that important after all.

I say if you are passionate about the goals you set for this coming year there is a greater chance that you will achieve them.  Passion and declaration of intent, unfortunately, are not sufficient to accomplish the mission. Nay, I say. You will surely need:
  • An awareness of how important this goal is and the value of the goal to you
  • A reality check. Is this an attainable goal and am I ready and willing to put forth the effort needed?
  • A plan of action. Identify the necessary steps. Keep them small and manageable. Build in small rewards along the way.
  • Consistent and persistent mindful thought and action towards the goal.
  • Periodic review of progress made or lack of progress. Keep a daily or weekly success log.
  • A target date for attainment of the goal.
  • Support from those who champion your success.
  • Ask for help if you hit a wall or begin to lose momentum.
  • And last but foremost, make it yours. We are seldom successful when we set a goal at the behest of others.  

Before you set a goal make sure it is realistic and attainable. More importantly don’t  
set your sights on something that holds little significance or passion for you. We seldom commit much time and effort to things that hold little value for us. 
When you have a goal that you value and truly believe will enrich your life then I say, “Get Er Done”.
If you aren’t sure you are ready to put forth the effort “Let Er Be”.
Don’t set yourself up to feel bad at the very start of the year and take the steam out of your potential for success.

Don’t just make resolutions, create change that changes you.  

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