Occam’s Razor is a 14th century principle that should still hold true today. In its most basic form it proposes that all things being equal, the simplest explanation/solution is usually the correct one. Aristotle also proposed that "Nature operates in the shortest way possible."
Yet how often do we find ourselves distracted by the complications of our internal and external worlds. Good and simple choices are getting more and more complicated to make as each day goes by. Think about how difficult it is to choose a cell phone, the newest techno-gadget, an automobile, that ideal job the perfect mate or any other of the hundreds of things we believe or are told we must have.
Is it any wonder that many of us become so distracted by our choices and doubts that we seldom or never reach our goals at all?
Keep it simple is an adage that has been passed along for centuries but seldom adhered to.
Setting priorities and goals is something that most of us feel compelled to do are often encouraged to do. How often do we get mired down by all of our lists and priorities and feel immobilized by the sheer weight of our responsibilities and want to's?
I encourage practicing intentional behavior on a daily basis, which, often leads to successful outcomes and less regret. Intentional behavior is knowing: what you are doing, why you are doing it and most importantly only doing what you intended to do. If you desire a life less cluttered and more energizing you will need to remember that goal and act on it daily.
Focus on one or two priorities at a time and start with the one that can is most easily achieved and then build on that.
A few successes can enrich the soil and winning habits can bloom .
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