Friday, January 24, 2014

Scratch Those Resolutions


Yes, I dared to say it!  I say pish posh to the whole idea of resolutions, Scratch ‘em! Why bother setting yourself up for another year of lame excuses over your failed proclamations? I am not opposed to meaningful change, but I shall never be a loyal fan of whimsical resolutions.   

Throngs of us swear to make some sort of change in our life at the onset of each New Year. You know, get healthier, get smarter, exercise, lose weight, volunteer time, read a book, be nice to someone or everyone. Shortly before or after the resolution making has begun, experts or average Joes like me will write a small piece on how to stick to those resolutions. Most of the information offered will have value, if followed. And there’s the rub. How many of us adhere to sage advice or maintain consistent effort towards most resolutions?

If you are sincere about making a change that matters in your life this year, make a plan; make it count; and most of all, set your sights on something that you embrace and truly believe enhances the value of your life.

It’s too easy to get caught up in the “have to”s and “should”s and lose awareness of what we value most in today’s rocket paced world.
I would suggest quieting the noise in your life while you reflect upon all that you know to be truly important to you. Yes, that means turning off your constant companions, the ever-present Smart Phone, and its posse, the IPod, tablet and laptop. 

You are way ahead of the game if you focus on you and what makes your life better - what you crave.  It is much easier to make and keep a commitment when you have clarity of purpose and fervent desire.

If you are intent on making a meaningful change in you life, I say great. You will need to name your goal and create and stick to a plan.  Take the time to explore all that generates passion and energy for you.  You are more likely to make it to the finish line if you do.

A commitment to change can be made any time of the year.